“Two Virginians and an immigrant walk into a room

“Diametrically opposed

“They emerge with a compromise
Having open doors that were previously closed

“The immigrant emerges with unprecedented financial power
A system he can shape however he wants
The Virginians emerge with the nation’s capital
And here’s the pièce de résistance

“No one else was in the room where it happened…”

Lin-Manuel Miranda’s “Hamilton” may be dark on Broadway for now, but his light is shining brightly in people like Juan-Pablo Mas, a founding partner of Action Potential Venture Capital and founding board member of LatinxVC.

Arun and JoJo speak with Juan-Pablo about each of the portfolio companies funded by APVC (Axon TherapiesCala HealthCVRxEXONeuspera, Presidio Medical, Saluda Medical, and SetPoint Medical) and then dive head-long into what it’s like to be a Puerto Rican American influencing the future of medicine, exploring what it took to get there, and what he’ll do now that he as arrived. Answer: He’s not just talking about it – “Hire someone, mentor someone, spotlight someone.” Check. Check. Check