After almost 40 episodes of a project that Arun apparently had little faith in, we’re going to take a look back at some of our favorite episodes, some hints of what’s coming up next, and what celebrity researcher intimidates JoJo the most.

After this episode, we’re going to take a week or two sabbatical in order to wrap up our big project. In the meantime, have a listen to what we thought Skraps would be vs. what it has become – and maybe reach back and take a listen to one of our many, many amazing guests.

We also want to be sure to thank a few special people –

Sharena Rice, in addition to her many academic responsibilities and generally awesome professional life, volunteered to do a ton of research for the aforementioned project. What we suspected would be one episode has turned into a full-fledged series.  Thanks, Sharena, we know you will be wildly successful in everything you do.

Romeo Racz is another magnificent human. He is taking our dinky website and making all of the necessary corrections to take our playdough version and rendering it in a fancy, user (and search-engine) friendly beast of Skraptacular greatness.

Swarna Solanki is not only wrapping up the Cleveland NeuroDesign Fellowship, she is also a new mom and still volunteering to work on post-production of some of our earlier episodes. Amazing focus and endless energy.

Thanks to Sharena, Romeo, and Swarna – and to everyone who has listened. 

Stay tuned for the next chapter of Skraps!

-Arun and JoJo


JoJo: 0:28

Welcome to our season finale episode of SKRAPS. It’s your podcast where we bring you the stories of brilliance in science and innovation. Today’s episode is a very special one. We thought we would try something different. Usually, you hear us talking to a guest or two in our episodes. And unlike every other episode we’ve had, except for the very first one, we decided that we’re going to speak directly to you today to our audience. And it’s important for quite a few reasons which we’ll cover in the next few minutes. With that here is a rune my partner in crime.Arun Sridhar: 0:59

How are you feeling JoJo? It’s been quite a journey, isn’t it over the last eight months or so?

JoJo: 1:05

I can’t believe it’s been a month. That’s crazy.Arun Sridhar: 1:08

Yeah, I mean, I think I think our first episode went online end of August and yeah, it’s it’s been 36 episodes later. Apart from our own. I think it’s been quite a bit. Are you sick of me yet? And now crazy.

JoJo: 1:25

Not yet. Yeah, you got to work a little harder on that. How about? How about you? You still doingOkay?

Arun Sridhar: 1:31

Yeah, everything’s good. It’s been fantastic. I think the I just thought we’re never going to do anything more than two or three. I just thought nobody was ever going to listen to you. And I

JoJo: 1:45

You had such low expectation. I mean, I thought at least, you know, five.

Arun Sridhar: 1:52

You know, the good thing about low expectations is that there is only one way to go, which is up. You, I mean, honestly,

JoJo: 2:00

I hope parents had embraced that.

Arun Sridhar: 2:03

I honestly did not think we were going to last that long. But hey, I mean, I think either what we are actually putting out is good enough, or good for people to listen to, or that it is so different, that people are actually coming back to consume more. And I think the numbers are just increasing at this point of time. We initially started off with around kind of 20 episodes a day downloads a day. But now we’re kind of touching close to kind of 50 to 60 episode downloads a day across the whole spectrum. So it’s it’s been very, very rewarding, isn’t it?JoJo: 2:38

Yeah, you and you found the stat where we’re in the top 10% of all science podcasts.

Arun Sridhar: 2:44

Yeah,JoJo: 2:45

that’s a shocker! Yeah. It’s, you know what you can slice and dice data and make it tell you any story you want to hear. But I’ll take this at face value. I’m good with that.Arun Sridhar: 2:58

Hey, I did not cook any of the data it was as is. That’s exactly why I took a screenshot and I posted it on LinkedIn and Twitter, just so that people can actually see it. Nothing, no dressing up, there was nothing. That was different. It was as is when I just typed in the name of the podcast into the into the ranking website. And that’s exactly what it told me.JoJo: 3:22

So it’s kind of like stepping on the scale every morning. You know, it adjusts expectations and tells you what you need to do for the day.Arun Sridhar: 3:30

Yeah, I gave that up a long time ago anyway.JoJo: 3:33

Sadly, I have not. Yeah, no, we’re not going there. We’re not gonna go there. So what I know I’ve, I’ve been able to learn quite a few things. I think from this whole experience, and I know you’ve picked up you’ve really kind of you dove headfirst in some of the technical aspects to you’re now a fully fledged producer may not sound like a 12 year old. Thank you a pre Well,Arun Sridhar: 4:01

what can you say? I think you just got to chop the wood and fetch the water right? As you have to do that when if you’re living in a hot so you might as well just do that.JoJo: 4:12

Think I’m going to go live in a van down by the river with Matt Foley.Arun Sridhar: 4:17

Yeah. What a journey it’s been I think, as we said, we did not think we were going to cross anything more than two or three episodes. But now, just in our first season, when we thought we would probably stop with a probably certain episode of around eight or 10. Things just come kept coming. I mean, it kept coming and just in our first season, between August and December, we did freaking 23 guests and 23 episodes back to back. And that was such an amazing feeling. And I think I’m so proud of the fact that not a single topic is a repeat all A redo of certain topic, every single episode has actually been a very, very different flavour to it.JoJo: 5:10

I like, I like that we’ve been able to cover kind of a full range from every everything where you and I are most comfortable where we’ve sort of grown up professionally in, in neuro tech. And then just harebrained ideas like psychopaths and human composting. Things that that aren’t part of my daily life. I’ve I’ve enjoyed that quite a bit too.Arun Sridhar: 5:34

But I think that that’s, that’s actually a very conscious effort, isn’t it from our side, because we just said, Look, we have the option based on our day jobs to be very specific, very niche. And everybody says it right, when you go and look up, when you want to create a podcast, you can google this, and everybody will say, the best ones are the ones that actually stay very nice, should you have to kind of cultivate your audience and stuff. And we were like, heck with that idea, I think we probably will use our network here, to kind of get the word out and see if people will come to listen, but we are actually going to be pretty bold. And we are actually going to try kind of the various ideas here, so to speak. And with that in mind, I think I think it’s probably kind of time to actually go back after kind of two seasons and 36 episodes later, just to go back and see if the goalposts have actually shifted from what we laid down in the very first episode when you and I were talking like this, or if it actually has just stayed the same in and there was just so much content and narratives that we actually have to provide to the area that did not exist, you want to go back and do that Jojo.JoJo: 6:49

Sure, I think in terms of of where the goalposts were and where they are now, I feel like we’ve we’ve done a decent job of kind of pulling out some of the stories that maybe you and I have known personally because of our affiliations with, with the guests that we’ve had on. But I think we’ve also done a lot to make people more accessible, like people that are seemingly inaccessible have have shown vulnerabilities, which I think is pretty cool. What do you think is, is? Have we stayed true to or or missed?Arun Sridhar: 7:28

Yeah, I mean, I think this is something that I don’t think I even shared it with you, right? Even with the very beginning, when we started talking about doing this together,JoJo: 7:39

You keeping secrets from me?Arun Sridhar: 7:40

Of course, of course, all the time, all the time, What’s life without secrets. I think the the, my basic feeling was that I’m anyway, a renegade by by my kind of outlook in science and an outlook in life. And I just saw all through kind of my experience of kind of moving between countries in and moving diff between cultures, etc, that the world is changing, right. I mean, I think the India that I grew up in is an India that I don’t recognise anymore. And the society that I kind of got educated in is not the same that that is right now in the US, and, and then I’ve kind of lived my life, my professional life here in the UK. So I think the world is changing, and it’s changing in a big way. And science, which was always in any field of science, per se, I think it was always this perception a few years ago that you got to be in the big boys club, you especially in academia, is like you’ve got to be in the big boys club, you got to kind of schmooze. You’re, you’re, you’re kind of grant reviewers. And, and the same thing holds true in industry, right, you got to kind of ensure that you’re always on a good corporate citizen to kind of move in therefore. And there was as a result of that the way people consume information was always regimented. And I was sick and tired of that, right. I mean, I think people are also sick and tired of it. And I think when you go to conferences are great when you when you want to get your word out, and almost every conference will maybe one or two abstracts or two presentations that will catch your eye but the rest of the times is just mundane, right? You just go there to meet people. And I just said there should be some way to actually change the way we consume information. And then just like everything in life, there is just three things, three critical questions, be it in professional life or in personal life. What do we do? Why do we do it? And what can you show for it? I think we can all answer it. But really, how many times at any given conference that a trainee can actually go up to a scientist or if somebody says at a party that I’m a scientist, I mean I’ve actually had this and they will just ask me a dumb question. How many times? Do people actually kind of either answer it very in a genuine way to make people understand or they basically kind of give them a very superfluous answer, and they shoo them away without actually showing them away. I think that’s that’s pretty common, I think. And in a society where we live in information should be democratised. And I think as you grow from academia, and you move to industry, and you kind of become a startup kind of entrepreneur, etc, stories become important. And yet, people are never trained to tell stories. I mean, it’s always about obeying a specific regimen, in either and in terms of reporting what you do. So that’s why we just start will make stories and narratives about going back to the three questions that we can set. And you can probably go back and listen to every guests interview, we’d always sort of covered what you do. Why do you do it? And what can you show for it? I mean, and what can you show for it can actually be in different ways. And you’re actually sipping is that lemonade or mezcal already, this early morning in California,JoJo: 11:11

it’s 1030. In the morning, it’s water with lemon.Arun Sridhar: 11:18

But honestly, I think people just talk about kind of dry science. And you’ll also find podcasts like this is true of many different things where there’ll be a science journalist reporting on something, interviewing somebody, and somebody just gives a very fantastic explanation as if that was the best thing since sliced bread on any given science podcast, and then everybody goes on their own way. Some people remember it, most people don’t. But really, when you meet somebody, it’s the stories of the people that makes it memorable. So the question is, if you as we said, at the very beginning, if you’re a student, if you want to figure out why you want to work for somebody, you want to work for a nice person. And most people don’t work, at least in industry, where I come from, most people never work for a company, they always work for a boss, if the boss is crappy, they will move on to the next thing. So therefore, the narratives become important. And I think this type of information that we can provide, fills in a very important gap, because people can’t that information is not accessible. And if you go and look up on YouTube, and spot and any podcast kind of apps, etc, such kind of information is always there and management and leadership in entertainment and marketing. If If, if Tim Ferriss and Joe Rogan and those guys can actually talk about it. I mean, why do scientists actually have to be left out? Why does science have to be left out? I mean, are we just kind of people who just have no emotions whatsoever? I think the reason why we kind of wanted to change it, right?JoJo: 12:51

Yeah, well, and and I think I’ve enjoyed a certain degree of freedom, because I don’t have a traditional boss. I mean, I do, but she’s awful.Arun Sridhar: 13:01

I mean, cause she’shorrible. I just had a chat with her yesterday. And she was absolutely horrendous. She didn’t want to put you through the mill, actually.JoJo: 13:08

Yeah, she’s got it got to work on that one. But I think having this very non traditional role within the field of neuro tech is, I have the freedom to say really cheeky things and put a little flavour into things because life’s too short to just live nothing but dry science. And I think that’s part of why some of the, the bigger podcasts that speak to general audiences don’t focus a lot on science, because it’s hard to make very technical, exciting science accessible to the general population. So we have our speakers that are phenomenal. When they’re when they’re delivering their messages to a prime to audience, you know, people with experience and backgrounds in neuroscience or biology or engineering, but then to take that same person and have them describe what they’ve done to somebody who is a creative arts teacher or a historian or a policymaker outside of neurotech. It, it takes a much different skill set. And I think that it’s impossible to expect everybody to be able to, to speak to both audiences all the time. But when you can get just one little nugget like Warren grill, explaining that a mom rubbing the back of a child who stubbed its toe or skinned his knee. There’s actually a physiological reason for doing that. And I was thinking about that the other day when I saw a little kid just faceplant on the concrete. I’m like, Oh, it’s just intuitive that the mom rubs his back and now I know why because Warren grill made that accessible to me. And so I think even if we just find little pieces along the way, and make it accessible, I think the other one too That is phenomenal in this field at showmanship and making this information accessible as Greg work 14. Watching him speak is pretty, pretty exciting. And I think he’s He’s Mr. Rolex for a reason.Arun Sridhar: 15:18

Yeah, and and I think for us, I think the biggest surprise, and also the most kind of the biggest adrenaline kick that I actually get about this, and I think we talk about it all the time, is really just using this platform, through our guests and through the questions and through the interactions, we have to put our reputations on the line. I mean, the thing is, there are so many people who will actually just do their jobs and do their fantastic science and go their way, right? I mean, but sometimes I just think, why the hell did we actually decide to do this one is we’re crazy, which is a given. And to? Well, I did. And second one is also because of the fact that I think there is a big time, kind of whenever you start something new, I think, especially in a platform like this, where you take in information, and then you put it out, you just don’t know what is going to come back to you. Because if you’re writing a scientific paper, you know, there’s a process, you know, your reviewers are going to be hard on you, depending on the journal and depending on the grant and study section, and everything else. And same thing holds true in industry, depending on the boss in your hierarchy, and all of that you prepared for it. But here, it’s like, I just don’t know. I mean, we just don’t know, if you’re putting out an episode on a particular topic, today, we have no idea of how people are going to respond to it. And that kick that you get like that, that’s that letting go of the fear of, of that unknown is being very, very liberating to me. And, yeah, it’s just it just something where I think we it’s, it’s kind of, I think it just comes in the process of like, we just want to push ourselves even more every time we do a different episode. And I think you can probably see that in the tone of our voices and the type of interviews that we’ve done as well that it kind of shows that we are able to push ourselves and push our guests a bit more, and hopefully the listeners actually see it. And and one, they hopefully thank us for it. And two, they probably feel like we’re actually asking them the questions that that they probably never knew. Or if they knew the person, at least they hope that we’re actually asking the questions that that they did not have a chance to ask. And that, to me is success. And hopefully we’ve done that quite a bit here.JoJo: 17:44

I hope so. And and I think the other thing, too, is just sort of humanising everybody. And I’m like, I mean, I sit through all of the scientific presentations at the conferences, and I don’t know enough about the science and technology to know that I should be afraid of this person or intimidated by them. You know, I think Thomas Stieglitz was maybe one that I knew in advance was sort of, he was my white whale and intimidated me and you sit down and talk to him and have lunch with him. And he’s just the kindest, most accessible person. And, and I imagine that that when faced with the opportunity to engage with a thought leader in any field, that it’s intimidating, and fortunately, I don’t know enough about their, their, the quality and depth of their work to be intimidated. So, you know, I get to just treat them like some other person at the bar. Yeah, I will tell you, one person who still intimidates me, and I’ve heard everything to the contrary, but I haven’t had the chance to really meet her and talk to her yet is Polina Annikeeva. So I’m dying to just to break down that roadblock in my head because everybody just says she’s an amazing mentor and an amazing scientist and engineer. So I that’s my, that’s my goal for this year.Arun Sridhar: 19:09

How about that? if anybody knows Polina, and and if all if Polina is listening, I think, Paulina, we would love to have you on the show, just to break that barrier, in George’s mind. And we could talk about fun stuff, too. I mean, that’s that’s almost a sidebar, to be honest. So Polina, you know, you’re welcome. Anytime just just reach out to us. And if not, we’ll probably do that as well.JoJo: 19:31

Yeah, come on, and do it myself.Arun Sridhar: 19:34

So I think just in the spirit of being really spontaneous, JoJo, I think you and I should basically take turns here to randomly pick from the 36 episodes, or 36 guests that we’ve interviewed so far. I think we should really pick a couple of examples. And we’re just going to define our impressions of that episode so that people who are listening in case they haven’t listened to all of them. I think at least they have a chance to go back and listen to them and catch up on these episodes here. So can we actually just go back and pick a few guests at random? And then see what each other feels? Do you want to go first? Or should I go first, you goJoJo: 20:15

first, because you really have caught me off guard with this one.Arun Sridhar: 20:19

So let’s actually go to one of our highest downloaded episodes in the first week since it came out. And somebody I think, who probably who you did not know, before, we actually interviewed the guest, which was Bob Hamlin, tell me in a sentence as to what caught you off guard? And why should people actually listen to the show if they already haven’t?JoJo: 20:49

Um, I think that the Hamlin episode, um, expose me to an area of science where I don’t get a lot of exposure. So it was a great way to hear more about your background, which I know the show is supposed to be about Dr. Hamlin, but I gotten into a lot more with with your background. I think,Unknown: 21:23

gosh, IJoJo: 21:25

He was just so inviting and so open. And he didn’t know me from Adam. But he was willing to tell me anything and everything we wanted to know, which I thought was exactly to the point we were just making that, that everybody really is, for the most part, completely approachable and accessible.Arun Sridhar: 21:45

Yeah. And I think it’s also the fact that he brought the whole area of drug safety. Right. I mean, I think I think the fact that that is something that people actually don’t usually talk about, it’s always a case of does the drug work? Or does the vaccine work or whatever, right. It’s never about is it safe. And I think he painted a very good picture that safety is actually kind of an area that people are still grappling all the time. And it’s an evolving, living, breathing area in the field of research in and discovery of new medicines here. So that’s one, why don’t you go with another guest?JoJo: 22:24

Well, I think before that, though, because the drug safety thing, actually, the the timeliness of that and the vaccine, and all of the questions that people have about how rushed is the vaccine? How do we know it’s safe? How do we know that? You know, it’s fine for the first six months, and then we’re all going to develop a third leg, you know, a year from now. So I think having him address the the drug safety issue, and for the more lay audiences understanding or putting out that foundation that there really are safety measures in place that the typical, I don’t know, consumer doesn’t even think about. So. I just wanted to throw that in there, too. Yeah. Um, I think, all right, how about Kate Rosenbluth? she was, she was, I mean, I have known her tangentially for a while and I know a lot of our team members, but her her journey. And some of her experiences just kind of blew my mind, I had no idea what to expect with that one.Arun Sridhar: 23:32

I think it speaks to how diverse one has to be and how people can actually do many different things. But somehow, as in life, there are different parts of your life that you actually get to pull at various points depending on what you’re doing. I think Kate is a fantastic example of that. Kind of pulling the levers when you need to, and pulling the right levers when you need to. I think that that is a fantastic episode where we got to hear about her personal journey are moving from being an engineer to gene therapy to engineering to what is now a fantastic company that she’s kind of leading with, with our CEO or she was the CEO and she’s leading with her with another kind of woman as well in Renee Callahan. So yeah, fantastic story. One that definitely people should pick upJoJo: 24:24

and her mentor was Andy frickin Grove. I mean, that’s amazing. You’re like, Oh, yeah, Andy this me that like, Oh, yeah, just just a guy. Just, you know, no one’s special. Just my mentor.Arun Sridhar: 24:38

Yeah. What about kid Kit ParkerJoJo: 24:41

Love that one. I still I I go back and listen to that sort of when I need a pick me up. It’s a combination of a pick me up and a kick in the butt. And he’s got that perfect blend of drill sergeant and neurosurg you know, scientist and engineer and an artist all in one and and you kind of wonder how that mix happened. You kind of wonder how did somebody achieve such such direction and discipline, combined with creativity and technical knowledge all in one package and plus barbecue?Arun Sridhar: 25:16

And how many times that you actually hear the Harvard professors saying that we’re just doing training people all wrong? I mean, that that that is a revelation. Right? People actually accept that in the first place.

JoJo: 25:30

Yeah, no, that one’s I love listening to that one. That one always picks me up.

Arun Sridhar: 25:36

So what are we doing next? Why Why are we doing a season wrap up here, then?JoJo: 25:41

Oh, well, I think I think we’ve kind of you and I both kind of put out little nuggets on social media about what direction we’re going. But we haven’t really talked about what it will be. And it’s turned into quite a big project. And I think we’re looking at a full blown series. And yeah, it’s gonna be unlike everything we’ve done before.

Arun Sridhar: 26:05

So should I let out a bit more? Or should I just keep it all in until until the big revealJoJo: 26:09

Just a little bit

Arun Sridhar: 26:11

Okay. All right, well, let’s try. So as you probably kind of, are hearing from us that we like to go crazy. From time to time. And especially on this one, we both have loved the big kick that we get on putting things out without actually knowing how it’s going to be received, but still doing the work to make it appealing and, and make it kind of consumer friendly, in terms of the content. So I think boid on by what we need to do in terms of story, and storytelling and science, which is a massive, massive gap because people see things as black or white scientists are wired to see it as black or white. And hopefully, we’ve kind of unpacked a few of those are almost in every episode or every interview, we’ve kind of picked out the the grey areas of what it means to be a person and in science, science, I sometimes make the mistake of saying signs, it signs. And that’s actually my kind of chicken has come to coming through. But anyway, I think it’s really goes down to the fact that we want to push it a bit more push the realms of storytelling in science a bit more. So we, at this point of time, are taking a self enforced break from interview based podcasts for the next kind of few months here, but we’re not going anywhere. It was just a few weeks, just a few weeks Exactly. But in the meantime, we are working on something that’s massive and big in terms of creating our own kind of podcast series. Something like a very subject matter focus series, without the science without the dry side, but really focusing on the stories as to why something is going to be is transformational. And no, it is not neuromodulation it is not by electronic medicines. That’s the only thing that I’m going to say. And all of you will need to wait for that in the next couple of weeks here for the big reveal. And it is a story. The tagline that I can proudly say is that it is a story that has not been set in full. And this is a this is an effort for us to change that change the conversation about people about science about something that has existed ever since we all lived on the on this face of Earth, but never really paid attention to or we’ve kind of misunderstood but I think I’ve revealed too much. I think I should stop before Jojo kind of shoots me down through the internet here.

JoJo: 28:53

No, I was gonna say if anything else, I’ll put in a cheesy reference that we take it out of black and white and kind of move it into technicolour.

Arun Sridhar: 29:02

Oh, yes, that’s true. That’s very, very true.All right. But that’s cheesy. But I know this one has been great. We’ve got a lot of the interviews already done. I mean, a tonne of interviews already done a tonne of research, for which we need to thank shereena rice at Michigan. She has been instrumental in helping us with this effort. And she deserves a lot of credit. She’s She’s really been invaluable in working on this with us. So be sharing and keep an eye out for that one. She’s, she’s doing some amazing things and she took time out of a really busy schedule to help us That was awesome. But some of the interviews that that we’ve done are have have been really amazing, fascinating everything from culture and history to mechanisms of action. It’s I got to stop because otherwise Gotta give it away. It feels like a non sequitur. I think we do need to thank Swarna Solanki who, again, another incredibly busy researcher, scientist entrepreneur. She’s actually part of the Cleveland neuro design fellowship and she has jumped in to help us with a lot of the stuff that we should have been doing all along. But she’s been doing a lot of post production work for the show, which we’re really grateful for and and she’s another one to look out to look out for and watch as she explodes into the field that she finishes her fellowship. Yeah, and the other person that we also want to thank is Romeo Racz, who is a fantastic engineer who works, who worke at the Crick Institute a d now is working with one of o r guests demonstrated remark is t unisys at Hampton. But Romeo, mong all his other skil s in and capabilities is actuall helping us retool our, our dink website into something that is going to be a lot more professi nal, and especially going into the podcast series, I thi k we, we owe it to him to ac ually do this the proper way uch that all of you can find us and find the relevant infor ation as quickly as possibl on your computers, on your mobi es, etc. Because we focus on the content. And if not, for these onderful kind of volunteers that we have, who get really inter sted and want to help we wouldn’ be able to do allJoJo: 31:35

Yeah. One other person I want to mention too, is Ladan J racek. Ladan Jiracek from neural implant podcast. He’s een very supportive. A lot f people think that, you k ow, it’s competition. One, La an covers neuro tech in a much ifferent way that we do. And he’ got a tremendous amount of succ ss. And he’s been very kind an in bringing us along with so e some of his episodes. So want to want to say thanks to that an and take a listen to neural mplant media’s podcast as well He’s doing great stuff over th re.Arun Sridhar: 32:11

Hey, I think we also need to do one more thing. I think we’ve been pretty kind of diligent and asking our listeners to kind of like, subscribe, and share, I think, I think our work so far has actually spoken for it through the last few months, and through the 36 episodes here. I think we’re going to throw each of us a crazy challenge here, which is we’re not going to ask our listeners here to kind of share or like or subscribe anymore,JoJo: 32:45

I think no more begging,Arun Sridhar: 32:47

no more begging. I think if you really like it, I think we’ve already said it, that we cover science and stories about science in a way that other people don’t. So I think we are making ourselves our kind of available and putting the stories out there for you to consume. So therefore, you listen to us because we what we provide is unique, and it’s free. So therefore, I think we are going to beJoJo: 33:13

we’re not charging for this?Arun Sridhar: 33:15

We’re not charging at some point of time, we need to start charging, we need to go to the freemium model very very soon. But for now it’s free. And I think we’re going to be bullish and we are going to kind of say from today we’re going to stop asking people to subscribe like and share if you want to do the service please go ahead and do it and we absolutely thank you for it

Arun Sridhar: 33:35

yeah but but we’re not going to do it from here on so it’s it’s it’s done starts now. starts now right this second, but I do I do want to extend a sincere and deep thanks to everyone who has listened it’s it’s gratifying. It’s surprising. And hopefully we can we can continue to serve and support you.Arun Sridhar: 33:59

Thanks for listening. All interviews on soundtracks you heard belonged to scraps, a brand jointly owned by Jojo Platt and Arun Sridhar, our soundtrack was digger by acid dad. And you can find the collections on all the music apps, it’s crops with the K on sparks spent backwards